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Marriage Therapy Radio

Dec 28, 2021

In this final episode of 2021 Laura interviews leading researcher in asexuality Anthony Bogaert, Ph.D.  

Dec 21, 2021

Laura has been looking back at what a good last few months she has had. Zach has whittled down his social media list to two. 

They discuss 5ish ways you can ruin your holidays. There are some great cautionary tales as well as some insight into how to prepare and be proactive in your relationship around the holidays. 

Dec 14, 2021

Laura is out with a migraine so Zach flies solo to interview his long-time friend Stephen James. Stephen shares some great nuggets of wisdom on both marriage and parenting. 


Dec 8, 2021

Both back from separate trips to Disneyland, Laura is getting ready for her 75 Hard challenge. Zach is pacing it with a 45 Medium. 

They discuss the transformative power we all possess to reframe our conversations by attributing positive motivations to our partner's words and actions. 

Nov 30, 2021

Prompted from Taylor Swift's latest single (and Laura's love for Jake Gyllenhaal), Zach brings the topic of age differences in romantic relationships. It leads to a great conversation about power and influence.