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Marriage Therapy Radio

Jan 29, 2018

Laura has more input on Zach’s clothing choices. Cupcakes go uneaten. And Zach and Laura explore the motivations that bring folks to seek improvement for their marriage.

Jan 22, 2018

Zach places a bet that he's getting less. Laura places a bet that she's getting more. They move on to discuss the impact of children on the marriage and how to protect the relationship from the major change they bring. 

Jan 15, 2018

Zach and Laura explore the subject of marriage therapy itself? What is it? Why does it work? How do you know you've found the right therapist? What can you expect? Zach also gets mad about traffic but Laura doesn't care because she's in a really good mood.

Jan 8, 2018

Zach and Laura hit reset on the podcast to celebrate the new year. (Third time’s a charm since they ruined the first two attempts.) They discuss the rituals and intentions that help them and their clients get focused on their relationships. Zach says "umm" a lot and Laura goes out of her way to pull her husband out...